No one questions inducing pre-term labor or doing a pre-term cesarean section for good medical reasons. But if you induce enough pre-term vaginal births or do enough pre-term cesarean sections for the convenience of the family or members of the care team, you will eventually harm a baby who has retained lung fluid and must receive intensive care. This has never been a big issue at GBMC but under the leadership of Dr. Victor Khouzami, GBMC’s Chairman of Obstetrics and Director of the Women’s Service Line, it has now been many months since we had a pre-term elective birth.
This achievement was recognized through the presentation of a banner from the March of Dimes, the Maryland Patient Safety Center and the Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene. The banner will be displayed within the hospital – indicating our strong commitment to improving the quality of care for moms and babies.
We are honored to receive this recognition AND I am extremely proud of our obstetrics team of physicians and nurses for this wonderful accomplishment.

I was humbled to see so many dedicated members of the community and the GBMC staff come out and run for this terrific cause – raising money for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. I want to thank the more than 800 participants and I am proud to report that this year’s event helped to raise more than $160,000 to help support the NICU babies and their families.

I must admit that the outpouring of community support was incredible and I truly felt so much pride for the wonderful volunteers as well as GBMC’s NICU doctors, nurses, technicians and others who dedicate their lives to the health of babies. In 27 years, the GBMC Father’s Day 5K has raised more than $1.9 million for critically ill and premature babies and that has helped us over the years purchase lifesaving technology and services for our NICU babies and their families. GBMC’s NICU is one of the largest in the area, caring for over 400 babies annually. In honor of GBMC’s 50th anniversary celebration, this year’s race fundraising goal was $200,000 to mark the 200,000 babies born at GBMC since 1965, the year it was founded. So, if you want to contribute it’s still not too late to give – you can go to www.gbmc.org/5K and click on the "Register" link. Donations can be made this week and will close July 1.