Please join me in congratulating the following nurses:
• Cynthia Arnold, CRNP Pediatrics/Neonatal
• Amanda Hindle, RN Pediatrics/Neonatal
• Jaclyn Mueller, RN Emergency Department
• Marla Newmark, RN Pediatrics/Non-neonatal
• Ganotong Tongprom, RN Medical-Surgical Nursing
• Carol Hay, RN – Gilchrist Hospice Care Hospice/Home Health/Palliative
• Kristin Metzger, RN – Gilchrist Hospice Care Hospice/Home Health/Palliative
I’ve been at GBMC for almost five years and I have learned how talented and hard working our nurses are. I’ve also had the opportunity to see, each and every day, their true dedication to our patients and our vision. Our nurses and nursing support technicians are the face of GBMC. They spend the most time with our patients and are critically important members of the healthcare team. Their untiring work in improving patient safety and redesigning systems to improve care has been remarkable.
Once again, congratulations and thank you for your hard work and dedication!
The inaugural “Top Nurses” issue will hit the newsstands soon. Please make sure you grab your copy!
This week we are celebrating National Volunteer Appreciation Week. As you may know, with more than 900 volunteers in the hospital and at Gilchrist Hospice Care, GBMC has one of the largest volunteer auxiliaries in Maryland. Over the last 50 years, our volunteers have donated more than 2.4 million hours of service and raised more than 20 million dollars to support patient care at GBMC.
I must admit, we have the best group of volunteers in the state. I am always struck by how, to the average person, they seem so joyful in their service to our patients. I meet them in our hallways and by the front desk, but, no matter where I walk within our hospital, I am proud to say that I am always greeted by at least 3 or 4 smiling volunteers.
I am so grateful for all that they do, from the smiles they share, to their dedication and commitment to our health system and our patients. Please take the time to say “thank you” for all they do.

Join the GBMC 50th Team for the Baltimore Aids Walk & Run on Sun., May 3rd
I am still looking for GBMC colleagues to join team GBMC 50th. This squad is slated to participate in the AIDS Walk & Run on Sun., May 3rd. The walk and 5K run is taking place at the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore to raise money for AIDS awareness and testing. Again, please consider coming out and walking or running with me as another fun way to celebrate our 50th Anniversary and give back to our community. If you want to get some exercise that morning or lend financial support (or both!), click on this link and follow the directions under “Join a Team”: https://www.kintera.org/faf/teams/registerTeam.asp?ievent=1112368&lis=1&kntae1112368=C5F4F766B96543009F1092421D8EC1D9&teamAction=join
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