Friday, April 14, 2023

Looking Ahead to a Bright Future

The future is bright for GBMC HealthCare. Although fiscal year 2023 was challenging, our leaders and their teams have worked tirelessly to reduce expenses and increase revenue. Though we must always keep our eyes on continually driving out waste, I’m excited that as we look towards fiscal year 2024, we are in a better position to focus on growth.

To that end, this has been an important week for GBMC HealthCare. Our strategic planning team, led by Cathy Hamel, President of Gilchrist and Executive Vice President of Continuing Care for GBMC HealthCare, and Gabby Mistichelli, Director of Strategic Planning, has been developing a 3-year strategic plan for our system. Jim Stradtner, the Chair of our Board Strategic Planning Committee, has been with us for weeks, helping us to develop our 3-year plan. During the week, we have held meetings to get input and further refine and finalize the plan prior to sharing with our full board of directors later this month.

As part of this process, we have been analyzing which services we can expand and enhance to best meet the needs of our communities as well as help us succeed as a health system.

One key area we know is crucial is oncology. As our population ages, high quality cancer services are essential. We eagerly await the opening our new state-of-the-art Sandra R. Berman Pavilion, which will be the new home of our Sandra and Malcolm Berman Cancer Institute. We are fortunate at GBMC to be able to offer a full range of cancer services right on our campus. It is our goal to make these services more accessible and convenient to patients undergoing cancer treatment and to provide the most advanced options possible. In addition to medical oncology and infusion therapy, radiation oncology, and surgical services, we have onsite imaging and extensive laboratory services available. We are especially proud that we recently introduced our Specialty Pharmacy, which spares our patients a trip to other pharmacies when filling their medications for cancer and other complex diagnoses.

This is just one of many areas we intend to focus on and grow as we plan for the next 3 years. I look forward to sharing more details about our strategic plan and our goals for serving the community in the coming months.

Recognizing Our Teams

Congratulations to Lisa Walker, GBMC HealthCare Chief Diversity and Learning Officer, for being recognized by the Baltimore Business Journal with the Leader in Diversity Award. I am proud of Lisa and grateful for her leadership!

April 9-15 is Occupational Health Nurses Week. Join me in thanking our occupational health nursing professionals, led by Occupational Health Director Sophia Powell, CRNP. They work hard to create a culture of health and safety in the workplace day-in and day-out.

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