Friday, May 19, 2023

A Major Milestone for the Promise Project

A quick team photo in the new atrium
Monday marks 100 days until we complete construction on the Promise Project’s Louis and Phyllis Friedman Building! While we won’t begin seeing patients in the new building until late in November, the completion of construction will be a major milestone. Earlier this week, I had the chance to tour the building and was astonished to see the progress. Rooms are taking shape. The atrium is nearly complete, and its modern feel and natural lighting are spectacular. The whole notion that we’re going to have a new, proper grand entrance with the window space to see our beautiful campus is exciting. 

As we get closer to this milestone, I’m inspired to reflect on the “why” behind this endeavor: to better serve our patients, their families, and our staff. The 60 new state-of-the-art rooms in the building are supportive of true patient- and family-centered care. They are spacious, private, and accommodate visitors. They will be equipped with all the tools care teams need to provide the most seamless and efficient care. It is a true healing environment – from the patient rooms to the ancillary features, including a retail pharmacy, beautiful chapel, a new food court, calm respite areas and peaceful outdoor garden spaces.

The Sandra R. Berman Pavilion construction is also well underway. The bottom floors will be our new parking garage and the two top floors will eventually be the new home of the Sandra & Malcolm Berman Cancer Institute. When the garage opens in November, it will be directly connected to our radiation oncology center, making it easier for our patients to access this service.

Thank you for your patience as we navigate this final phase of construction. If you’ve been on campus lately, you have likely noticed some significant detours in the main hospital because we’ve had to close what was once our main corridor. We’re doing this to connect firewalls from our “old” building to the new building and expect to reopen this corridor by early June.

Central Sterile Processing equipment
Speaking of improved facilities, I’d like to recognize everyone who played a role in planning and redesigning our new Central Sterile Processing space, which opened in April. The area is truly impressive, and we are fortunate to have an incredible Central Sterile team in addition to the most up-to-date equipment to ensure thorough sterilization of medical supplies for the safety of our patients. And, we are happy to have said “goodbye” to the Central Sterile trailers! 

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