Justine Kellar, RN, BSN, Management/Nurse Executive Category
Shannon Isaac, RN, Orthopedics Category
Joseph Henry, RN, Pediatrics: Neonatal Category
Laura Clary, RN, FNE-A/P, SANE-A, CFN, CPEN, Women’s Health Category
Sherry Pearson, RN, Women’s Health Category
Erin Batton, RN, Hospice/Home Health/Palliative Care Category
Our nurses and nursing support technicians are the backbone of GBMC. They spend the most time with our patients and are critically important members of the healthcare team. Their untiring work at the bedside and in improving patient safety and redesigning systems to improve care has been remarkable. We frequently have visitors with us on our Lean Daily Management (LDM) walk and I often brag about the accomplishments of our nurses. Recently, I was telling representatives of the company that provides malpractice reinsurance to GBMC that Cele Gayhardt, RN, and her team on Unit 48 had been instrumental in implementing evidence-based standard work for the use of urinary catheters and had helped reduce our rate of catheter-associated urinary tract infections to zero! This is just one example of the intelligence, skill, dedication and hard work of our nurses. It is marvelous to see members of our team called out for their outstanding contributions.
The second annual “top nurses” issue hit the newsstands on Friday, Apr. 29. Don’t forget to pick up your copy!
Speaking of BALTIMORE Magazine: Physicians….It's that time again - BALTIMORE Magazine is collecting votes for its TOP DOCTORS issue. Docs, please vote for the colleagues you most respect! This year, the magazine will only utilize online voting for TOP DOCS and no hospital codes are being used. The survey may be found at: http://www.baltimoremagazine.net/about/top-doctors-survey
Congratulations to Laura Clary, RN, FNE-A/P, SANE-A, CFN, CPEN, clinical manager of our SAFE program! Laura was recently awarded the Henry Gleim Memorial Award by the Governor’s Maryland State Board of Victim Services. The award recognizes her outstanding contribution to the field of victim services and for her work in the area of victim advocacy. Thank you, Laura for all your hard work at GBMC, as well as out in the community. This recognition is well deserved!

2016 Employee Engagement and Culture of Safety Survey
Please complete our annual Employee Engagement and Culture of Safety Survey. The survey is open through Monday, May 16 and can easily be accessed through the icon (left) on any GBMC desktop computer or by visiting https://engagement.pressganey.com/SESID=SV_8uDlnumnkZFnk1v&Q_TS_ID=TS_4Hm2rJuUy8oK1s9&Q_TS_RS=Self&Q_EE_ANON=1&Q_RSID=RS_b1OOKViWCUjGMKx
If you want to be included in a weekly drawing for a $100 prize, be sure to enter your name after you complete the survey.
The survey is completely CONFIDENTIAL, and your individual responses to the questions will not be shared! If you do, however, choose to include additional comments, these will be shared with your manager but your name will not be given.
Please complete the survey so that we can learn what we can do to make GBMC an even better place to work. Thanks!