On Wednesday, we were walking through the Pediatric Department and we saw the 6S that was going on in the supply room. You will recall that 5 (or 6) S stands for sort, separate, shine, standardize, sustain, and (#6) safety. Everything was in its proper place, beautifully labeled, and easy to find. Having items arranged and organized is fundamental for a high-performing unit or department. When things are not in their place, people waste time and effort looking for them. In addition, when spaces are cluttered, various items may be in the way, which can potentially lead to harm.
Last week, one of our employees was injured after crashing into a chair that was obstructing her path. This injury could have been avoided if the chair had been placed where it belonged.
When things are routinely left in random places, we get “immunized” against seeing the disarray…we begin to accept it. On the same day, I was walking on another unit of the hospital and found two stretchers in the hallway. This hallway would be an exit route from the unit if there was a fire! I informed the local manager who told me that he would have them moved immediately, but this was not the point. I wondered who had left the stretchers there and how many people had passed them by without removing the safety hazard? Did people not “see” them? Or were some people leaving them there as hoarders because they did not trust the hub to send them back expeditiously when they were needed?
What do you think? Please let me know by commenting below. Thanks.
Congratulations Laurie Beyer!

Last week, I was delighted to be with over 400 cancer survivors, their caregivers, friends, and family members as they celebrated life at our annual Cancer Survivorship Celebration.
This annual event provides an opportunity to commemorate our patients’ courage and our caregivers' commitment to their treatment. Every year, more than 2,000 individuals turn to the experts at The Sandra and Malcolm Berman Cancer Institute at GBMC when faced with potentially life-changing medical diagnoses. Our Berman Cancer Institute is recognized both locally and nationally and is fully accredited by the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer.
The number of people who attend this event continues to grow. Congratulations to our survivors, their families, and our caregivers!
Closing Time…
Voting for this year’s BALTIMORE Magazine: TOP DOCTORS issue is wrapping up soon. Docs, if you haven’t done so already, please vote for the colleagues that you most respect by NO LATER than Monday, June 18th! The survey can be found at: http://www.baltimoremagazine.net/about/top-doctors-survey.
I’m sure your colleagues will greatly appreciate your vote! Thank you.
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